Good news | Congratulations to Grade 11 Peng Anlei for winning the Gold Award and Yang Huiyu for winning the Excellence Award!

Publish time:2020.05.30 Publisher:


Congratulations to Meilun International Year 11

Peng Anlei, Yang Huixuan

At the 2020 British Biology Olympiad (BBO).

Won the Gold Award and the Excellence Award respectively


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        The British Biology Olympiad (BBO), which has a history of 1995 years since its establishment in 25, is one of the oldest and influential science competitions in British secondary schools, with nearly <>,<> high school students participating in the UK every year. Every year, the UK selects outstanding high school students to form the British Biology Olympiad national team through this competition to participate in the International Biology Olympiad (IBO).




The world's most influential academic organization - the Royal Society of Biology hosts
the 10,000 Chinese and British competitors synchronous competition and ranking, the winners can directly win the British Biology Olympiad gold, silver and bronze medals
, the outstanding results will increase the world's famous universities, medicine, biology and other science and engineering majors application advantages
, winners have the opportunity to win the international top science activities, invite
the organizing committee to provide sample questions for learning and preparation