本次说明会共分为三个部分:(The academic office organized the course selection seminar for G11 in the afternoon of April 10th. This seminar is divided into three parts:)
第一部分,教学处的辛主任主要从以下几个方面进行了阐述:(The first part,director Xin of the academic office mainly elaborated from the following aspects:)
1、 A-level课程介绍(Introduction to the A-level course)
2、 A-level选课指导(Course Selection Guidance for G11 )
3、 G11课程设置( Curriculum setting for G11)
4、 G11年级教学规划(Teaching arrangement for G11 )
5、 给G11年级的建议 (Academic suggestions for G11)
6、 CAIE 最新政策解读(Latest update from CAIE)
第二部分,升学办的娄老师对学生的选课从以下几方面进行了指导和规划:(The second part,teacher Lou from the CAS office has guided and planed the students’ course selection from the following aspects:)
1.选课的通适原则(General rules we should follow)
1)始终以自己潜在的专业选择为依据(Always keep your potential college program choices/career in mind)
2)学生个人兴趣及热爱优先(Your interests/your passion/your enthusiasm first)
3)平衡兴趣和个人能力(Balance your interest and your ability)
4)咨询学科老师(Talk to your subject teachers)
2.大学的建议(Suggestions from colleges)
4.大学入学要求概览(General college entry requirements)
5.专业具体录取要求(Classical specific program requirements)
6.常见问题(Common questions you might have)
比如(For example):
1)我应该选几个A Level 科目?(How many A level subjects should I have?)
2)A学科是否比B难?(Studying one subject challenges more than another?)
建议(Suggestions):预约自己的升学老师,进一步咨询.(Make appointment with your assigned CAS advisor, and have further talk.)
第三部分:薛老师介绍培优计划 (The third part,Ken Hsueh introduce the EX-plan)
向有志于报考牛津大学,剑桥大学,美国常青藤大学的同学们提供有针对性的语言及学术能力的培训。(We offer targeted language and academic training to students who want to study at Oxford,Cambridge and ivy league universities)