张璐翻译: “The current unusual time requires extraordinary measures, just as water is important to fish farming, sufficient liquidity is important to economic development. But excessive liquidity will induce froth in a marketplace where some people may attempt to muddy the waters and fish for arbitrage. ”
点评:李总理对于目前经济政策的解释很接地气,作为汉语母语者的我们一听就懂。但这段话需要汉语背景才能理解李总理的用意,而作为翻译的张璐深谙中西方文化的差异所在,所以在此她巧妙地使用just as 引出“放水摸鱼”的概念,暗喻中国的经济发展也需要“水”。另外,张璐还用了习语muddy the waters来翻译某些居心不良的人扰乱市场环境而获利的行为。
更多例句 — muddy the waters (搅浑水,引申为“混淆视听使事情变得更难解决”):
His suggestions just muddied the waters further, rather than helping the situation.
张璐翻译: “We will do our utmost to keep China’s economic growth stable. At the same time, we must ensure that all measures taken are well-calibrated. In other words, we will not kick up dirt and leave a trail of dust that will block the sight of those who come behind. ”
点评:李总理说到创造可持续的经济环境,一定不能给后人带来误导。张璐短时间内抓到了总理的重点,用一个复合形容词well-calibrated(“协调良好的”)表达出稳定发展的意思,再用动词短语kick up dirt and leave a trail of dust形象地描绘出总理原话。
张璐翻译: “China and many other countries are making investments into R&D of these products and we are open to international coorporations. We believe that the deliverables of the R&D will be public goods that should be shared and these public goods will help the entire human kind to succeed in defeating the virus. ”
点评:李总理的这番话展现了中国的大国之风——面对疫情,所有对新冠病毒的研究和投入都将为人类共同享有。这种开放诚恳的态度也同样在张璐的翻译中尽显无遗。她的“we are open to international coorporations”清爽地传达出乐意合作的想法。
更多例句 — be open to (乐于做某事,愿意做某事):
The committee is open to suggestions. (委员会愿意接受大家的建议。)
I am always open to fresh ideas from others. (我一直乐意接受他人的新鲜点子)
张璐翻译: “In coping with the current round of economic shocks, I’m afraid we don’t have ready experience to draw from. It’s not something we can manage with ease and we will have to blaze a trail with hard efforts. ”
点评:面对后疫情社会的民生,李总理坦承目前的所有问题都没有答案,只能摸索着前进。张璐的翻译很有人情味,用“I’m afraid we don’t have ready experience...”表达未来的困难,再用“we will have to blaze a trail”来说明决心。
更多例句 — blaze a trail(开辟道路,起先导作用):
The medical college has blazed a trail in developing new techniques for treating diabetes. (这个医学院为治疗糖尿病的技术研发开创了新方向。)
张璐翻译: “The funds available will all be used to support primary-level governments and people’s lives. ”
点评:如何说直达?如何说基层和民生?其实一点也不复杂,张璐的翻译再次教会我们一个纯朴的道理:表达不需要复杂词,简单的support就能搞定。这里现成的primary-level governments and people’s lives供你表达“基层政府和民生”,我们赶紧学起来!
张璐翻译: “No cooking of books will ever be allowed, and we will be open to public oversight.”
点评:这里的亮点在于张璐总能用最简单的话表达难懂的成语。做假账?偷梁换柱?cook the books能帮助你精确表达出这个意思!另外,我们再次看到open to用在这里来表示政府透明化管理的决心。
更多例句 — cook the books(篡改,捏造,做假账):
Accountants at the bank were found to have cooked the books. (银行会计被发现做假账。)
张璐翻译: “Employement matters the most in people’s lives.It’s something that is of paramount importance for all families.”
点评:怎么说某事是最重要的?张璐用了两种不同的表达告诉我们: “... matters the most” 和 “... is of paramount importance.” 这两个是在我们日常口语和写作常常需要用到的短语,大家要用起来呀。
更多例句 — ...matters the most; ...is of paramount/ great importance(最重要):
Honesty matters the most when we make friends with others, but in real life it isn’t often the case. (交友最重要的是诚实,但现实里经常不是这样。)
How to motivate students is of paramount importance for teachers. (对老师来说,如何激发学生积极性是至关重要的。)
张璐翻译: “There is a labor force of 900 million in China. If they can all be put to work, they will be able to generate tremendous wealth.”
张璐翻译: “Taiwan question is China’s internal affairs and we have along opposed to external interference. The Chinese nation has the wisdom and the ability to handle appropriately and well its own affairs.”
点评:在场记者问到台湾问题,李总理坚决地表示台湾事务不需要外部干涉,而随后的翻译可以说是霸气侧漏了。特别是第二句The Chinese nation has the wisdom and the ability to handle appropriately and well its own affairs,提醒了那些欲干涉中国内政事务的组织:这是咱家事,不用你操心。如果日后你想让外人mind their own business(管好自身)的话,你也可以说:Don’t worry, we have the wisdom and the ability to solve this.
张璐翻译: “The decision adopted at the NPC session is designed for steady implementation of “one country, two systems” and Hong Kong’s long-term prosperity and stability.<span style=";font-family:'Times New Roman';font-size:16px