11月29日,美伦国际教育联合深圳市慈航纳生慈善基金会在学校体育馆举行"携手心连心 与爱共成长"青少年素质教育亲子公益活动。活动吸引了近80组家庭参与,众多学生、家长、老师牺牲周末休息时间、放下其他事务全程参与这场沉浸式亲子体验活动。活动通过“爱之无形束缚”、“1分钟现场交朋友”、“嘉许感恩蓝丝带”、“理想拼图”等一个个小项目让学生和家长重新认识自己、审视亲子关系、学会感恩和分享、学会更好地走向未来追逐梦想。
MIC Parent-Child Charity Activity
On November 29, MIC and Shenzhen Cihang Nasheng Charitable Foundation held a parent-child charity event in the school gymnasium, attracted nearly 80 groups of families to participate in. The activity was led by tutor Mr. Zhang. Through activities, students and parents can re-recognize themselves, strengthen the relation between parents and children , learn to be grateful and share, and learn to better pursue their dreams in the future.
This is a spiritual journey about love and growth, a truly unique experience. At the end of the event, every student, parent and teacher has different perception and gains.
Mother Wu said that this wonderful event made her feel that her children have really grown up and learned to be grateful. She felt guilty for being busy with work and not accompanying her children.
Student Liu also said that Mr. Zhang's enthusiastic speech and the active cooperation of his classmates pointed out the way for him to continue his school life: learning to rely on self-improvement and hard work, but also learn to cooperate and get along well with people around him. Learn to respect friends, parents and teachers.
Teacher Deng said that this event was a solution to the puzzle of parents and young teachers about education and has achieved good results.
At the end of the activity, Vice President ShaWei summarized that through a wonderful and meaningful event to enhance the new understanding and relationship among students, parents and teachers, it will be conducive to their future communication, so that the parent-child relationship, family-school relationship will continue to improve, and finally form a joint force to help children achieve a better life.