秋风送爽,又是一年好时节。与此同时,我们也迎来了美伦国际教育2020届的“美冠杯”足球赛。截止至11.1的半决赛,美伦共有五支队伍加入了这次的比赛,他们分别是Supper Barry队,龙王大爽队,日不落的G12 队,BNXT队以及OLD GOLD FC队。The autumn wind sends cool, is another good time of the year.At the same time, we also ushered in the "MIC Champion Cup" of the 2020 edition of Majestic International College.As of the semi-final on November 1, a total of five teams have joined the competition, namely Supper Barry, Dragonking Dashang, G12, BNXT and Old Gold FC.